Monday, 10 March 2014

What Is the Need of Manufacturing ERP Software?

ACGIL has developed a customized, flexible and easy to use Mx-ERP manufacturing solution for small, medium and large-sized manufacturers to manage various business processes within an organization in an better and improved way. It is a powerful web-based system, which would assist the industry to enhance their manufacturing processes and to dispatch the products promptly to get high customer satisfaction. 

ERP in manufacturing industry is better for various small businesses, as it can be made use for a huge range of applications. The system has a large set of integrated modules such as Sales, Purchase, Inventory, HR, Finance, Production & planning and many more. It can deal with various processes including inventory, distribution, accounting, invoicing, supply chain management and HR, finance, etc.
The solution is developed to address the core challenges and actual requirements of the manufacturing industry, with the quality to be further customized to align with your organization's various business processes. The software comes with pre-built module workflows, eports, screen dialogues, and business intelligence designed specifically for manufacturers.

ACGIL offers the system as web based ERP solution for real-time access. It can be handled by a team of professionals in a company that include senior management and other experts. Thus, the software can be accessed anytime from anywhere by the managers, executives and other staff members. It requires only a browser with Internet access.


  1. Super post. I've been thinking about this topic. I
    Post is very informative and all the points are very easy to understand. ERP software is must needed for our business. Eresource provides process manufacturing solution that covers complete range of services ranging from supply of raw material, production, manufacturing and packing. Process Manufacturing ERP Software helps the Decision makers to manage the business with a click of their mouse's button.
    Thanks for sharing such a nice post...
